
Carmel College Salland

Page history last edited by Manon van Herwijnen 9 years, 8 months ago

Introduce yourselves to your circle

Hi there!

We are the classes AP2A3 and GA2A3 from Carmel College Salland in the Netherlands. In our Cambridge class we have 35 people. We are a very busy class but also a very kind class and we like to talk a lot. We are a secondary class, that means most of us have are aged 13/ 14. However, when we need to work we work hard and good so we may sometimes watch Merlin as a reward. Our teacher is called Ms. Schuurman.  She is a very nice teacher but she can also be strict. We have ICP ( International Cambridge Program) 2 hours a week. Our old school was broken down because we will get a new one which is in progress now.

In our free time we play sports and listen to music. Most of the guys play soccer and the girls play a lot of different sports like hockey, handball and horseriding. Once a month a lot of children go to “de Leere Lampe”. That is a kind of disco where many people of our ages come and meet other people. Everyone loves unicorns and rainbows.


This was our old school



This is our temporary housing




This will be our new school



This was the short introduction we hope you'll now know a bit more about us!


This short introduction was made by: Roel, Roxan, Tycho and janneke



Comments (1)

Natasha Cherednichenko said

at 2:04 pm on Mar 2, 2015

Dear participants,
thank you for the Introductions. Your hobbies -sports and music is very popular around the world.
And you new school building looks very big.

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