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Schoolpage Challenge 1-Cesar Chavez Prep Public Charter School

Page history last edited by cathy.healy@chavezschools.org 9 years, 5 months ago


Cesar Chavez Prep has missed about 75% of our Circle classes because of snow days (when we're closed) and the first round of state testing. Since I have six students who are doing the Circle as extra work in the English Language Arts class, we can't always meet.


Because of missing so many classes, we concentrated on hunger. We think we have expertise to add to the conversation, since nearly 90% of the students at Prep get their lunches paid for by the US government, including some of the six students in our group. The head guidance counselor and the head of business for the school, who is assigned to work with homelessness, both were interviewed by the class. 


These students had very empathic conversations afterwards about why some students they know might be hungry and keep it a secret. Since there were eight in our conversation and the statistics are one out of eight people in Washington, DC are hungry, they really thought about it. They can tell you more if you ask them questions. 


Also, they were surprised to notice this poster for a hunger hotline right by the school office. (See below).


Cathy Healy, Circle coach.


Hello my name is Marco Medrano and I will tell you about HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE HUNGRY IN DC AND HOMELESS, which is people without homes.


First there are kids that go hungry in Chavez Prep but there is not information about how many. But there are kids in D.C. who go hungry — which is 12%, one out of eight people. But each year there are more hungry and homeless people. It changed because family don’t have enough money to pay the food for their children. Our Nation help people by programs like WIC, food stamps and SNAP and food drive. Which is a thing are government do to help people that are hungry. Also they use Salvation Army, Friends and food, and farmer market. Which is a place with food that gave food to homeless people.


Nasim Robinson: What are ways that PREP helps its students get enough to eat?

Chavez Prep has something called “family emergency funds”. It’s when they donate money and food stamps to the hungry family. Sometimes the only meal kids actually get is the free school breakfast and lunch, and no food for the rest of the day.
2. What does PREP do so students get nutritious food?
It might not taste good, but Chavez’s lunch has lots of vitamins and nutrition. We get white meat and non-fried food in the lunch meals, and also vegetables and fruit, along with whole milk and juice, giving the students healthy meals to eat during the day.


Reflection: Lots and lots of kids who are hungry in D.C don’t admit it to their friends or other people who care about them. That’s why we want to help them so they don't go hungry.


Kalin Nguyen: Nothing is ever “free”. Who pays for the food that we get to feed to the students?

The US government pays for all food we get. The government tells us what to buy for the students, like how much salt to put in the food, (too much salt is unhealthy) so we can be healthy.

Every year, the school gives out forms for the lunch. If students’ parents do not fill it out, then they have to pay $3.99 for their lunch. The “free” lunch is based on income too. If you have a large income, you will have to pay for the food. If you do not, then you will be eligible to get free lunch.

The District of Columbia pays for the free breakfast we get in the morning. At Prep, only 45 students out of 320 get the free breakfast. Some students don’t bother to come early to receive the breakfast. In our iEARN learning circle, 2 out of 6 of us, come early to eat breakfast. Our reasons for not coming were: we already have food, we wake up different times, (so we might be too late for the breakfast) or that we just do not want the breakfast.

Reflection: There are many people who need food and many people who need a home. We don’t know who at Prep needs those things because they don’t tell anyone because they think it’s embarrassing and that they will be judged and bullied.


Rosa Chan Portillo
Homeless In the U.S.A

Here in our school some people face hunger problems. Kids in our school are afraid to tell teachers about the problem because they would feel embarrassed and afraid of people making fun of them. Some kids do tell the teacher and the teacher doesn’t tell people their business because it is personal stuff. We Interviewed our business manager here in Chavez Prep. She said that some kids have talked with her about hunger or homeless problems and she said she keeps that private. She also helps the students get food with programs.

Reflection: If I was facing a hunger problem I would tell the teachers or a counselor so they can help me get food so I can survive.

Ibrahim Kamara
During the weekend, students or people who don’t have enough food would probably get assistance from organizations that help with that. During holidays when there is no school, families who have less food to eat, get donations from the school before that holiday or from people who help them get food. In the summer families that need assistance with food can go to community centers where they serve breakfast and lunch.


Some organizations that help with hunger are

  • · Martha’s Table
  • · Bread for the city
  • · Salvation Army 
  • · Food and Friends

Reflection: My family is from Sierra Leone which is in Africa and I don’t think there are any programs to help them with food like we have in the U.S.

This is Sierra leone’s flag.


Christofer Morales
Bread for the City is a group of people that helps the people that are homeless or are hungry. They give them food so they won't be hungry. There are other ways to get food free but to get the food you volunteer to plant seeds in a garden but not any kind of a garden, the organization’s gardens, and if you volunteering you will get vegetables and fruit.


Reflection: I am grateful for the organizations that try to feed people with hunger but they are not enough.


Comments (1)

Natasha Cherednichenko said

at 6:35 pm on Apr 5, 2015

Dear Cathy and Students,
thank you for the essays on the Challenge 1 theme. Well done!

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