
Schoolpage Challenge 1 - Gymnasium 2

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Saved by Tetyana_Sporynina
on March 19, 2015 at 1:13:50 pm

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The right to good food, clean water and health care.

Topic 1:


Artist-caricaturist: Nazarov Gennady,  Kiyv, Ukraine


Dilion Vladislava, student of 3 form


"Water, you have neither taste, nor color, a smell, you can't be described, you enjoy, without knowing that you such. It is impossible to tell that you are necessary for life: you - life. You fill us with pleasure which not to explain with our feelings" -

Little Prince (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry).


Water - surprising substance! Protect it.


Artist-caricaturist: Zhitnikov Alexander, Lviv, Ukraine

Drawings from the site Association of caricaturists of Ukraine

Topic 2:



Topic 3:







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