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The right to good food, clean water and health care.
Topic 1:

Artist-caricaturist: Nazarov Gennady, Kiyv, Ukraine

Dilion Vladislava, student of 3 form

Devid Keroll, student of 8 form
"Water, you have neither taste, nor color, a smell, you can't be described, you enjoy, without knowing that you such. It is impossible to tell that you are necessary for life: you - life. You fill us with pleasure which not to explain with our feelings" -
Little Prince (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry).
Water - surprising substance! Protect it.

Artist-caricaturist: Zhitnikov Alexander, Lviv, Ukraine
Drawings from the site Association of caricaturists of Ukraine
On March 20 we, pupils of the 5th class, drew pictures for the project and even managed to observe
behind a solar eclipse. And on the air on the computer from the site of NASA and on change
in a schoolyard.
In Chernivtsy on March 20 day was cloudy, in the sky there were clouds therefore
it was possible to see a solar eclipse without the special equipment.

And we want to present this last photo of the Solar eclipse to all participants of the project.
They say that the Solar eclipse badly influences health of the person, can be a harbinger
troubles. But it not always so. We wish all the world and good luck!

Topic 2:
Topic 3:
Comments (5)
Tjørven Schuurman said
at 1:33 pm on Apr 2, 2015
Topic 1: Well done on the computer, but what is the meaning of the drawings?
Alessia Lombardi said
at 2:45 pm on Mar 25, 2015
Hello friends!
What a beautiful pictures, you really have some skills!
Keep up the good work.
Ayman - HV2A - De Meergronden
Tetyana_Sporynina said
at 2:52 pm on Mar 19, 2015
Dear mister Bob.
We too will try to create and the drawings.
Students of gymnasium #2, Ukraine
Natasha Cherednichenko said
at 1:34 pm on Mar 18, 2015
Dear Tetyana and students,
thank you for the cartoons. So much sense students put in...
Bob Hofman said
at 9:39 am on Mar 18, 2015
Thank you Ms. Tetyana for uploading these cartoons :-)
We are very curious about the cartoons your students have made.... .. so much good work is being uploaded this Bob
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