February 09 – March 01 2015
You will work together in the coming months.
This is why it is nice to know who everyone is!
For each group there is an introduction page.
If you click below on the name of your school, you can get started.
Tell us something about your school, your community, your group, your classmates and your teacher.
Please create a beautiful page for us with pictures, drawings, videos
or in any other creative way (Cool Tools)
There are many schools that connect and work with students in international projects.
A wonderful example are the students from the Ashram College in Alphen aan de Rijn in The Netherlands and the Gymnázium Zikmunda Wintra from Rakovník in the Czech Republic
Together they are committed to a project in India.
Please watch a short movie that they made for us:
Comments (3) said
at 11:40 am on Feb 20, 2015
Hi Cathy and everyone at Cesar Chavez prep.
It's great to hear from you!
Our address is Paladijnenweg 611, 3813 KD Amersfoort, The Netherlands (NL). We hope you can see our school!
Here in Holland, English is widely spoken and many students have lessons at primary school. In a bilingual school like ours, the students have virtually all their lessons in English from the start so by the second year most are fairly fluent. The students also enjoy trips to English-speaking countries and projects like this also help!
We have a spring break approaching so look forward to catching up with you later.
Best regards,
T2A, t'Atrium
Bob Hofman said
at 10:00 pm on Feb 16, 2015
Cool Idea to share street addresses and research via Google maps :-) said
at 5:34 pm on Feb 16, 2015
From Cathy Healy, teacher: Hello students in The Atrium. My 7th graders will be very interested in how your English teacher has helped all of you reach similar skills in English. Many (but not most) of our students at Cesar Chavez Prep also are learning English. How did your teacher make this happen?
Also, we had a good time last week looking up places for our teammates on Google Maps. What is your address in Amersfoort? We would like to see your school from the satellite view. Our address is: 770 Kenyon St. Northwest, Washington, DC.
BTW, you are not too far from where my Dutch ancestors lived - they were peat-diggers in Loosdrecht.
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